Shah Jahan
The Means for a Cause
All profits from Shah Jahan will go to a Non-profit organization in the Bay Area called: -
The Promise Worldwide
Promise World Wide builds self-respect, civic duty, healthy bodies, and hopes for opportunity through its education, health, training, and economic development programs. These self sustaining programs reduce hunger, disease, child abuse, unwanted births, and create a sense of hope; developing stronger individuals, families, and communities.
"This is being done through generous contributions from organizations/people like you, helping to change lives and communities, one child at a time."
The Current Projects at Promises are:
Atghara, Kolkata, India -- Our first project has grown to a community of 60 children from humble beginnings in 2003.
Gurup, 60 miles from Kolkata, India -- We provide academic and vocational training till grade 6 to approximately 50 children.
Lokar Math, South Kolkata, India -- Our third project has just started in April 2005.
The Goals of Promises are:
Provide nutrition and basic life skills
Balanced meals and clothing
Lessons in personal hygiene
Tuition fee and school supplies
Medical care including immunizations
Augment education at the Learning Centerv
Basic reading and writing skills
Computer skills including Internetv
After school tutoring
For More Details about Promise, Please visit
their website here.
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